The Fourfold Path to Healing

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Thomas S. Cowan, MD
with Sally Fallon and Jaimen McMillan

ISBN 0-967-0897-9-4
US$ 27.00
448 pages – 6″ x 9″ – 34 B/W drawings

At last! The companion book to the best-selling Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. Dr. Cowan merges the wisdom of traditional societies, the most modern findings of western medicine and the esoteric teachings of the ancients as he answers this important question: “How do we obtain true health?” The Fourfold Path to Healing is a unique, comprehensive view of medicine that will challenge your deepest beliefs while showing you a practical approach to healing.

Tom Cowan discovered the work of the two men who would have the most influence on his career while teaching gardening as a Peace Corps voluteer in Swaziland, South Africa. He read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price and a fellow volunteer explained the arcane principles of Rudolf Steiner’s biodynamic argriculture.

Read more about Tom Cowan and the other writers involved in this project.

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