Performance Without Pain

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Kathryne Pirtle, with Sally Fallon
ISBN 978-0-967-0897-7-5
US$ 15.95
160 pages – 6″ x 9″

A Step-by-Step Nutritional Program for Healing Pain, Inflammation and Chronic Ailments in Musicians, Athletes, Dancers. . . and Everybody Else

Not just for performers

These ailments afflict not only performers, but people in all walks of life, from the amateur sports enthusiast, to those who use computers, to the supermarket checkout employee engaged in repetitive motion. There is an answer!

“Performance Without Pain provides a practical step-by-step plan for healing pain and inflammation and helping you lead a healthy and productive life.“Kathryne Pirtle’s personal journey from a near career-ending injury to vibrant health will inspire you to take responsibility for your health.”
— Jordan S. Rubin, NMD, New York Times Bestselling author of The Maker’s DietPatient Heal Thyself and Restoring Your Digestive Health

Kathryne Pirtle is the clarinetist and executive director of the critically acclaimed Orion Ensemble, which tours throughout North America, presents three series each year in the Chicago metropolitan area, and performs a live, internationally broadcast series on WFMT, Fine Arts Radio in Chicago.

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What Others Are Saying…

Sylvia Myintoo

This book helped save my life. Last year, at the age of 39, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis after a colonoscopy and several months of diarrhea. I lost a total of 30 pounds, and became so sick that I could not eat or get out of bed. Thank God for Kathryne Pirtle’s book and all of her insight. I started with bone broth soups and little by little used the information from the chapters “Foods that Heal”, as well as “Supplements” and “Making it Practical”. The information in this book, as well as the Weston A. Price Foundation saved my life. I relish my cod liver oil everyday, my raw dairy and grass fed beef. I am med free and healthy, back to my normal weight. I want to share with everyone I know the information I learned in her book. It is very straight forward, easy to read and life transforming. I highly recommend it to all who are suffering and in pain, and seeking optimal health.

Rachel R. Resch
Physical Therapist

Must read for musculoskeletal problems. This book is a life saver! Two weeks after beginning Ms. Pyrtle’s food plan, my debilitating, chronic knee pain improved 80%. Today I am pain free and in the best shape of my life.

As a physical therapist, I had tried everything I knew: physical therapy, osteopathy, homeopathy, prolotherapy, supplementation, anti-inflammatories, etc. A doctor suspected rheumatoid arthritis because of all the inflammation in the joint. RA – no; inflammation – yes.

It’s no secret that many of today’s chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and asthma have been linked to systemic inflammation, and musculoskeletal pain is no exception.

While not every element of a program may fit everybody, the premise of this program is unquestionably sound and the advice excellent. Musculoskeletal pain and systemic inflammation are by-products of our vitamin D deficient society. Ms. Pirtle’s plan outlines a program rich in vitamin D and other nutritional factors that heal systemic inflammation.

“Performance without Pain is a part of an ever increasing movement of people who are finding healing through following the wise nutritional methods of our ancestors as modern dogmas have failed completely.

Some examples are: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, Eat Fat, Lose Fat: The Healthy Alternative to Trans Fats and Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods.

Such information is vital for us as a society as we continue to explore lifestyle factors that contribute to health and healing. I believe the field of nutritional medicine is in its infancy, and 10, 20, 100 years from now, people will look back on texts such as these as the foundation of modern nutrition.

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